Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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January 2017 update

Our new non-profit, NouKod Foundation was approved as a 501c3 tax deductible organization on Dec 30th! 
- We are in the depths of the weight of transition to new ministry and roles - pray for our courage and strength.
- We are working tirelessly at this stage of a "tent-making" ministry model, to get the new Haitian IT outsourcing business functioning without profit-seeking investors, it is taking longer than we hoped and requiring Rebecca to continue working a few weeks at a time in CA. 
- Pray for her refreshment as she travels back and forth and works in both countries to her maximum capacity and for Ted as he works under challenging circumstances in Haiti at the moment. 
- Pray for our first "intern" - he is a young German man, named Kenneth, who is in Haiti presently. He is interested in helping with the company devlopment and in serving to create jobs in Haiti. 
- Rebecca's neice (well cousin actually, but she calls us aunt & uncle) who is also named Becca, has been on several trips to Haiti with missionaries from her home town in Rhode Island. She was with us in Haiti this month and is feeling God calling her to be there more full-time. She is prayerfully planning to return in a month to help with Syndie's homeschooling and however else she might minister. 
- Pray for Tynan as he continues his programming studies and works toward being able to help with the future training and projects that will be starting up this spring. 
- Emma is doing well and helping hold down the fort in northern CA for now. She has a couple of jobs and is taking her first college course this spring! Pray as she seeks God's direction in her studies and future. 
- Rebecca and her midwifery partner Brooke finally were able to meet up in Haiti and spend some time planning and their ministry calling has taken them in an unexpected direction. They are now working on a partnership with Global Birthing Home Foundation to open the first birth home in all of Haiti specifically to serve missionary and expatriate women. The need for this non-existent ministry came when Rebecca returned to Haiti in December weeks after graduation, to multiple pregnant women looking for maternity and delivery care in-country. Proceeds will also be used to provide maternity care for Haitian women in need.
- Rebecca will be delivering her FIRST baby as a CNM in Haiti next month for a sweet Mennonite family. Pray for this MAMA, who is due soon. They will be traveling up to Port Au Prince from the provinces this week. Pray for a safe and blessed arrival of their new baby and for Rebecca as she attends their birth. This family has been instrumental in bringing this unmet need to light.
- Rebecca will also be taking a part time faculty teaching position on Friday & Saturdays starting in March, down at a brand new Haitian nurse midwifery program in Leogane, Haiti at a school called FSIL
- Ted has multiple projects going on as well. He is overseeing the 5 young people that are currently working on entry level IT services. He also is training another group to provide services to NGOs through a CommCare service line and preparing for a boot camp this spring to get some programmers working soon. 
We are resting in God's goodness and strength at the end of each weary day and looking forward seeing all that He will bring about here in Haiti. 
Ted & Rebecca



May 2016 - Prayer & Praise updates / Ministry Needs

- Rebecca is halfway through the clinical portion of her studies.
- She attended a crucial birth center symposium in Haiti and met with other midwives who are either working in the country or supporting work here.
- The president of Rebecca's school, Frontier Nursing University, was here in Haiti in March and offered to work on credentialing a local private hospital as a potential clinical setting so that she can complete her clinicals here in Haiti!
- She has at least TWO incredible Nurse-Midwives that have committed to traveling to Haiti for several weeks each in order to pour into her learning and help her complete her midwifery requirements here.
- There have been some great conversations about improving maternity care in Haiti through developing more birth centers throughout the country. Several current ministries and national leaders gathered to try to work together recently.
- Syndie just completed FIRST grade! We are constantly reminded of the miracle of her life, her health and the privilege of watching her grow and thrive and learn.
- Ted has passed one and been diagnosed with at least five more kidney stones. He is not in much pain currently, but pray for this condition to resolve quickly and without any complications.
- Ted's overall health has been challenging, pray for physical strength and reserve as we enter the ruggedly hot summer months here.
- Pray that he will be able to find adequate breaks from immediate needs and responsibilities in order to recuperate. He has been regularly working 6 day weeks.
- Pray for Rebecca as she continues to acclimate back to HOT weather after being in the cold of MN for the spring months. It's been a physical struggle.
- Pray for the clinical site in Haiti to be approved this week - so that she can get started with her preceptor that is ready and waiting to travel down next weekend.
- Continue lifting up our adoption process, every time we meet with the adoption agency representative here we are given different instructions. Now we are told that we have additional paperwork to do before moving forward with Syndie's dossier.
- We are also STILL waiting for news from social services about receiving custody of Kervensley, who is deteriorating in the orphanage.
- Spiritual stamina and refreshment.
- Encouragement from family and friends in the US, hopefully some visitors to come visit and give us a much needed emotional boost in the next few months.
- Lastly, clear guidance as we have decisions to consider and make on life and ministry here over the second half of the year and into next year, once Rebecca finishes up her studies and we move into a completely new phase.
As always we thank God for all who are faithful in lifting up prayers on our behalf...we could not do much here without that.



One more CNM preceptor willing to travel down in late July or August. There may also be a longer term 3-12 mo position starting in fall/winter.

We are STILL searching for a qualified individual, interested in administrating/overseeing a computer programming training center here for 3-12 months. Programming skills preferred, but not absolutely necessary as most of the training can be supported from the US. 

ROOM, BOARD and travel provided for both of these opportunities to serve. Small stipend is negotiable for those committed to >3 months.


Winter 2016 - Praise & Prayer updates


-          Rebecca completed her 15 months of book studies!

-          She was back home in Haiti for several weeks.

-          She passed her clinical skills check offs & prep.

-          She has two intensive clinical sites confirmed & started at the first, two weeks ago.

-          Syndie continues to have glowing health reports from her doctor, they are thrilled with her progress and growth.

-          Ted is finally working with a full staff at OB now, which helps with some of his work load.

-          Operation Blessing received their NGO status from the country of Haiti a couple of weeks ago, the end of a 6-year long process. Congrats!!

-          Ted also just returned from a successful trip to the Dominican Republic to obtain mosquito nets to distribute to pregnant moms in remote areas - Zika prevention.


-          Ted and the Operation Blessing team as they work quickly to address the mosquito born Zika virus epidemic, in the communities they support. So far none of the pregnant women they have come across had even heard of the virus. They have a lot of education & support to provide since Zika has just arrived there.

-          Pregnant women in Haiti in general. There are already so many dangers for them, adding Zika and the possibility of delivering handicapped babies is one more major concern.

-          Dominican deportees of Haitian descent.  There are thousands of homeless people that were born or lived in the DR since childhood, but have been stripped of their nationality, their finances, personal belongings & their families/communities due to their Haitian heritage. Most have been abducted & deposited over the Haitian border. This is the DR’s effort at ethnic cleansing of Haitians from their country.

-          3000 of these individuals are going to be relocated from the remote and desolate area of Anse a Pietre over the next 8 weeks and OB will be participating in the effort.

-          Kervensley, who’s health continues to deteriorate in the orphanage. For granted custody & adoption.

-          Both of us to have consistent spiritual refreshment & renewal in the midst of busy times.

-          Rebecca during her clinicals, currently at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. It is very hard to be away from family.

-          Guidance over the coming months about the future and our continuing work/ministry once Rebecca graduates.

-          All of our family for overall health and wellbeing.


December 2015 - Praise & Prayer

So sorry that I haven't been on top of our prayer requests the last few months.

I guess that might tell you what to pray about - stress!

I (Rebecca), am in the last term of studies for my midwifery program before clinicals begin. I have also just helped our oldest give birth in Texas, traveled to Maryland for a required birth center seminar, helped Tynan and Emma move to new housing in CA and worked a travel contract at Sutter to refresh my skills and cover the extra upcoming expenses of my clinicals and our adoption.

The end of the term is drawing close and I feel like I'm still drinking information in from a firehose! Pray for my stamina for a strong finish and for refreshment as I travel back home to Haiti for the holidays.

...for the happy healthy delivery of our second grandchild - a baby girl, Alina in October.


...for Gods great faithfulness and grace during this extra busy, extra stressful time in life and ministry.

...that the rural birth center that both Ted and I helped worked on developing with Midwives for Haiti opened officially on Nov 22nd in the remote area of Cabestor.


...for continued strength, guidance, wisdom and encouragement as we enter the beginning of our 5th year in Haiti and with so much amazing work going on both there and in the U.S. this coming year.

...clear direction on the many projects in the works.

...provision of a leader for our computer programming training program, still ready and waiting to get up and going in Haiti.

...STILL for us to gain custody of K soon.

...for a smooth and quick processing of the rest of our adoption paperwork.

...PEACE in Haiti and safety, surrounding the coming final presidential elections. (Dec 27)

We hope you all have a blessed Celebration of Christ's birth and a joyful start to the New Year. 
We are eternally grateful for your love and faithfulness in prayer on our behalf!

Rebecca...for all of the Barlows



October ministry update

I (Rebecca) have to honestly admit that this is excerpted from an email to our DEAR prayer partners at Faith Bible Church in Citrus Heights, CA. They keep me on my toes and are so gracious in coming alongside us during these extremely busy times!

  • I just completed my most grueling school term yet in this nurse midwife program. Praise though for good grades!
  • I also just flew to CA and am going to start a short term contract at the new Sutter Women & Children's hospital, for one last skills refresher. It is also my last term of book studies before starting my clinicals.
  • Pray for Ted & Syndie in Haiti as I'm away...and for us all in missing each other terribly!
  • Pray for our oldest, Tania, as she is due to deliver her first baby  in the next few weeks. That I will get down there in time to help with the delivery and just for a safe, beautiful, sacred start to their new life as a family.
  • Pray for my three big kids here who are all trying to figure out next steps as they work and pursue more education. We need to move them to new housing while I am here as well. So pray for grace & strength!
  • Continue in fervent prayer with us over the life and adoption of the 6yo little boy in Syndie's old orphanage, Kervensley. We have been trying to get help from social services in gaining custody and his removal. His relatives were trying very hard to remove him and place him with us, but the orphanage director refused to release him. (this is illegal) Social services agreed to help them, but then the director came into town & they all disappeared and cut off communication. We suspect they were either paid off or threatened by her. IN the meantime, his MD says that his bloodwork shows continual deterioration, which means they are not following his treatment plan. This is by far the very HEAVIEST thing on our hearts and we have to lay it at the Lord's feet each day!
  • The coming year is a daunting one...between ministry, work, school, parenting kids in multiple countries and all of the complexities that come along with that. Pray for wisdom, guidance, peace and joy in the midst of the stress and chaos. 
  • Pray over the many life changing programs that Ted is helping oversee with Operation Blessing. Just when we feel progress is being made, we see huge disparities arise that humble us, sometimes discourage us, and keep us pressing onward. Just today they saved the life a pregnant mom & her baby in one of the outlying villages. She had extremely high blood pressure, a breech pregnancy, and some sort of cyst or abscess - they were able to stabilize her, transport her to a hospital and provide her care. The woman didn't have the prenatal care needed to identify these issues early or seek care now, bc she didn't have funds for either transportation OR a hospital stay. (probably no more than $200, but completely unreachable for her family) She and the baby likely would have died without this help. It is the Lord's work for sure - as He always seems to bring these type of situations to light just in time to prevent tragedy. 
  • Guidance for a new OB program that will train Haitian mechanics and provide GOOD, affordable auto repair for local missionaries throughout the country. God has been throwing open doors and developing this MUCH needed resource quite quickly.
  • Praise - our adoption process is finally in full swing & we have been told that it may go quicker than expected due to our residency in Haiti allowing for a different process. PRAY that Kervensley will be included!!

Thank you all for allowing us to pour open our hearts and receive the blessing of your prayers and partnership!