…because, well…there is just nowhere on earth quite...like...Haiti!!
We are extremely grateful to be home, after an unexpected two month Sabbatical in the states to help Olivia with some health issues and transition her back to living in the U.S. for the next year or so. We returned to Port Au Prince, disoriented & trying to decide whether we were worn out or refreshed from our time in the states. So much of our life now is a mixture of thoughts, experiences and feelings.
While in the U.S. we did get to spend time with all of our busy kids, including Ana, who flew in and introduced Oliver to the rest of the family - so precious!! We also got to catch up with a few friends, Ted’s family and attend his sister’s very special 50th Birthday bash! We also reveled in hot showers, In-N-Out Burger, fresh veggies & fruit (especially blueberries!!), smooth roadways & cheap gas (yes CHEAP, Americans, compared to prices here)…this particular list is rather long so I’ll just stop there.
We intentionally took a temporary break from blogging until our return & then had to postpone it a little longer when we arrived to no electricity (during our waking hours) the first two weeks, head/chest colds, fevers, a few bouts of Haitian “happiness” and an expanded family “zoo”.
Fast forward to the present and we are just now feeling back on our feet again. Life has become somewhat familiar & routine once more. We’ve reconnected with friends and ministry partners and are gearing up for interns & our summer schedule. Next week we start up formal Kreyol lessons in hopes to finally gain ground on communicating better with our Haitian friends.
I usually post this on our ministry team page, but I’ve been asked multiple times the past few days what we need prayer over, so I’ll add it here this once.
Praise God with us –
- Our home is back in “working order” – running water & regular electricity are really “awesome”!
- For some great new friends that moved to Haiti recently – Sue Spinney & Jessica Williamson
- We had three small, but fantastic, teams of friends & family here a week after our arrival.
- For the privilege of helping our WO guest house cook take her niece for cleft palate surgery this week with Smile Train. The family was so thankful to God for this opportunity!
- Events this week & God’s provision led us to find a good hospital nearby for medical care, if needed. This was a big relief for the RN in the family! We have new friends there now, too.
- Emma has completed a record 6 subjects in school since January, thanks to Natalie’s help & her own hard work. She is finally becoming an avid learner and really thriving in her lessons.
- We had an excellent time catching up, brainstorming & fellowshipping the past few days with a WO partner team from NorthRidge Church near Detroit, Michigan. It is so exciting to see how God is using them and the local church to strengthen faith, families & communities here.
Seek God with us –
- For continued protection & health in our daily lives & work
- As Tynan and Anna, an intern from our home in Poetry, TX, travel to Haiti this week.
- In lifting up the final preparations for Ron (Haiti program director) & Vanessa’s wedding on Saturday, and for His presence and blessings over their new home, life & ministry together.
- As we daily look to walk in and with Him and for continual guidance in the work He provides.
- Over our first set of interns and a busy summer schedule of partner visitation & follow up.
- While we start to unveil opportunities for sustainability projects & holistic preventative care. Specifically for Rebecca in developing plans for maternity care in each community & Ted as he identifies & develops assets in each family & community towards stability & self-provision.
- As we follow up on the many “free-time” ministries that we’ve been assisting in at Kanes Village, Diakonos Orphanage and our friend Pastor Emmanuel’s church & orphan home in Archaiae.
- For a divine measure of aptitude & memory as we begin active study of Kreyol and try to quickly get up to a functioning level of communication.
- That both the guest house and our home will both continue to be places of ministry respite and refreshment.
- For the WO guest house calendar to fill up now that we are back & provide additional stability to our orphan ministry programs throughout Port Au Prince.
We are absolutely blessed to have such a great team in the U.S. and abroad alongside us in ministry through prayer, finances, physical & emotional support. This past week God seemed to be showing us every single day the wealth of love, resources and sacrifice in His community and the amazing span of His orchestration & provision before we even know what we need!
Here are a few photo highlights of our time in the states w/ Liv: