Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Entries from February 1, 2011 - February 28, 2011


On the road...

A little over 1 week into my post employment, and our life is already on the road!

After a treasured 2-week long visit from my mom, sister & kids -


Ted, I, Em & Liv all stuffed the Yukon with a few supplies and snuck out of town between snow storms.

We’ve been in Castle Rock, CO this past week for World Orphans orientation and a staff retreat.  It was an enriching time with our fellow co-workers. The girls enjoyed meeting all of the staff and many were encouraged by their young passion for the orphan and excited about the story they have to share. All of us came away with a stronger vision of World Orphan’s ministry worldwide and the way that their unique model of care is spreading across the globe.


We’ve also had a really blessed time with some dear old friends here. I love how God so divinely orchestrates the journey of our friendships through life. The Bostwicks are one of the families that adopted through Christian Adoption Project in Sacramento many years ago. We have adopted kids that grew up in the same children’s home in Russia, and we all homeschooled and lived together in our turn-of-the-century home in Orangevale for a season…eleven kids & 4 adults…a whole adventure story in itself (for another day)! They have graciously ministered to us all week with cozy beds, gourmet meals and hours of stimulating conversation and encouragement.


As if that wasn’t enough, God also has the twins’ first-ever friend living right here in the area also. We all spent last evening hanging out, sharing memories, and making new ones with sweet little “Faithie”. It was a blessed time of laughter, love and deepening friendships for all of us, but especially the twins! We are now especially looking forward to returning here in the near future for our 3 weeks of cross- cultural preparation at Missions Training International, so that we can continue to feed the beautiful friendships that began with our initial journey into orphan care through adoption.


Next up, a long day’s travel home tomorrow and a week of sorting, packing, and preparing for Ted’s trip to Haiti from 2/23 – 3/8.