Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Entries from November 1, 2010 - November 30, 2010


Grace at work...

While there is definite reason for us to get over to Haiti as soon as possible, we’ve been sharply reminded this week that we ARE missionaries & in God’s full time service already. In addition, He showed us that this period of preparation and raising up our monthly income to work overseas, has HIS purpose written all over it.

There are blessings to be experienced along the way, and sharing our vision & the work of World Orphans is as important as caring for the children themselves. As always, God has a multi-faceted PLAN in the works.

Wednesday morning we went to Heritage Christian Academy, to speak at their morning chapel sessions. We were happy and excited to have an opportunity to teach the kids about God’s heart for orphans, how they could participate in ministry to the children even as youth themselves. God laid on our hearts what He wanted us to share, He prepared the twins for their first large-scale public speaking experience, but He didn’t give a hint to ANY of us what He had in store for us that day.

We talked for 10 minutes about what kids can do for orphans, shared what we would be doing in Haiti, and we showed a short video about our ministry. At the end of the high school session, we were bowled over at the message of support that Dr Taylor, the headmaster, presented to the kids. We were welcomed as part of the school family, it was announced that they intend to partner in some way with us in our ministry in Haiti long-term & personally promised by a large group of teens that when they meet to pray together every morning (without adult leadership or prompting) that we would be included in their prayers.

The younger crowd session was just as encouraging, even the K-4 kids gave great attention! A few days later, one friend who has a primary school daughter that attends HCA, shared that her daughter came home that day, told her all about it and has faithfully prayed for “orphans” every single opportunity & meal since. That’s God at work in young lives…

One of the biggest blessings came in a powerful little package! Molli Devine is a petite, beautiful, spunky, 15 yr old girl. She has one of the biggest hearts for God that I have ever seen! She shared her love for the Lord by announcing that she was singing on Friday night at a hangout called “The Well” in a nearby town. The school was having a “spirit night” there in preparation for their play-off game the next day. She asked everyone to come out & stated that God had prompted her that day to give all of her “basket donations” to help us get to Haiti!

Friday night Molli, after singing her heart out with a smile all evening, happily thrust a basketful of bills & coins into our hands and said “here, this is for you!” Another $91.01 to add to our moving fund, but far beyond that was the grace & inspiration that God showed us through her example.



Eat Down Update - Day 18 (Tuesday)

Day 18 of the eat down.  Our goal is to make it 3 weeks (Friday).  Had these great pumpkin-corn-chocolate chip muffins for breakfast this morning...


Eat Down Update - Day 6 (Thursday)

We are chugging along with our family "eat down", so far we have gone 10 days without grocery shopping and we still have LOTS of food left.  Here is a couple of video updates from Day 6 that we thought would be fun to share with you all.  Hopefully it will be a little inspirational as well. If you are not familiar with what an "eat down" is, see our earlier blog post.


Eat Down - Day 6 Update (pt 1) from Ted Barlow on Vimeo.

Eat Down - Day 6 Update (pt 2) from Ted Barlow on Vimeo.

Eat Down - Day 6 Update (pt 3) from Ted Barlow on Vimeo.

Eat Down - Day 6 Update (pt 4) from Ted Barlow on Vimeo.


BTW, check out  You will be glad you did!