Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Entries from February 1, 2013 - February 28, 2013


RR - paint & more paint...

Today our reno reality was quite nice! Our fixer errands took us up the hill into Petionville to an actual Sherwin Williams store. Here we get to pick more color options than they have at MSC, it's great paint & we enjoyed a few minutes of air conditioning. The Haiti is impossible to get paint here the same day. So we put our order in & will have to drive back up again tomorrow to pick it up.

It's been worth it, we threw in a quick stop at Maison Handel to look at a bed for Emma, picked up a couple more padlocks to replace the ones we had to cut off, bought a really nice bushel of "fig" (bananas) on the street and stopped to grab a few groceries on our way back home.

60 sec 1.10 from Ted Barlow on Vimeo.



60 seconds - renovation mode

In comparison to Fredny's project this week, ours is quite simple...paint.

Tynan got to learn how, when we dove in on his room today!

60 sec 1.9 from Ted Barlow on Vimeo.


no words

Our hearts have been filled with thoughts & emotions this week as our neighbor, Fredny's house is being removed, one bucket & wheelbarrow at a time. We can't even begin to understand the journey that he has been on since the earthquake. Thankfully no one was hurt in the home, but it's hard to watch them unearth corners & walls that belonged to a former life. He has been a kind, gentle & humble neighbor to us the past two months & welcomed us into the neighborhood.

Please keep him in your prayers as the excavating continues and his dreams of reconstruction begin.

60 sec 1.8 from Ted Barlow on Vimeo.


starting out the week...with a 'miracle'

While we loved our airbed, it just wasn't quite as comfortable after it's brief undercover life as Cosi's grand chew toy during the move. After an epic bed decision nightmare, God stepped in and dropped a wonderful gift in our laps today.

No more worry about allergies, mattress toppers, shipping...we went into the furniture store for the 5th time in 2 months to warily purchase our last resort bed option and were absolutely shocked to find a fabulous new king sized memory foam mattress for less than we had budgeted for a crummy "base" mattress here and a topper to be flown in. It was nothing short of miraculous news for our sleep deprived minds!!

Hard to say which we love most house or new bed??? Both are helping to settle us in a bit more this year and we are enjoying a deeper sense of being at "home" abroad.

anticipated new arrival - a "real" bed from Ted Barlow on Vimeo.



@ the artisan village

Today's 60 seconds follws us to the metal work artisan village. "tink, tink, tink..." It is one of our favorite places to go! The creations that they make out of old oil drums are phenomenal. Today we were purchasing items to be sold in the gift shop that Tynan is maintaining at the WO guest house. All of the profits are used to help move families in our partner church communities, out of tents and into homes.