Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Entries from July 1, 2012 - July 31, 2012


Heaps of summer pics...

 It has been an extremely eventful summer so far & it's not even close to over...August is still on the horizon!

We finally had a chance to get photos loaded up today so that you can take a look at some of what we've been up to since our first interns arrived in mid-May. 

Check back later, as we continue to add pics through the end of next month!

Here are some random favorite photos as a teaser...


Click here for the rest of our Picasa Haiti-Summer 2012 album! 





hellos & goodbyes

One of the hardest things about moving overseas was saying goodbye to everyone in the U.S. that we know & love. Settling in here hasn't really eased that difficulty at all.

Emma & I were just talking this afternoon about the many things that we learned about this subject at MTI. How you have to embrace the goodbyes in order to be ready to enjoy hellos! With the nature of our ministry there are teams coming and going all year round, and wonderful people that we welcome, we have treasured fellowship with, and then have to say good bye to again.

It doesn't get any easier - you don't ever get used to it. So we are elated with arrivals, we share & laugh & love during time spent together and we often cry as cherished ones depart. 

Another thing that we learned is that we must always give a proper "goodbye". It honors the time that we spent with an individual, gives value to the meaning that they have in our lives and let's them know how treasured they are in our hearts.


Today we said our goodbyes to Anna Brown, our first short-term teammate! With her summer internship completed already, Anna headed back to the U.S. this morning. We were sad to see her go. Her gentle nature & zany humor brought joy to the many children of Haiti who's lives that she touched during her time here. Her huge smile & golden locks will be forever linked with the love that she showered them with. Their gorgeous faces were captured in her photographic work for our annual updates, as well.

We pray many blessings on Anna as she re-aclimates to life in the U.S. & prepares for school to start back up in a few weeks. Join us in lifting her up as she processes the multitude of experiences that she had this summer and allows God to use them to direct her future.

We MISS you, ANNA, already...!!

(picture Tynan & David waving you off into the distance

& us all being here hoping for your return visit again, one day soon.)




Branden's Birthday Beach Haiti 

I was there the moment that this little guy came into the world...

but sadly, not able to be there for his (inconceivable)

10TH Birthday celebration!!!


Branden & "Grama Ruth" birthday bowling!!

We are SO proud of the amazing young man that our nephew, Branden is becoming. He is a really cool kid! We were blessed to have gotten to hang out with him (& his wonderful family) several times last year, before we moved over seas, thankfully. It's one of those hard things that we struggle with about this life...having to miss out on irretrievable precious moments with family & friends.

I (Rebecca) was actually scheduled to be in CA for a nursing strike last week & would have been able to spend it the way he had originally wanted to - together & at the BEACH! However, the strike was settled, so I stayed here, which wasn't overall a bad thing, except when it came to Branden...

Our dear friend, Jerilyn, was here this past week though, & blessed us all with a night up north at one of the beach resorts. While we would have LOVED to have the Birthday Boy here with us, the next best thing was to be thinking of him all day while we hung out at the beach! 

Branden, this was our party for you!!!! We all hope that one day you can come here for a beach adventure with us, too! YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!




 (btw in case you all are wondering, NO, we haven't adopted a beautiful little Haitian girl - we are just enjoying the privilege of caring for Phoebe (3) while her mommy is in the US for a little while)

Emma would love to have sent you this, but it was still alive, so she saved it's life by throwing it back.

Tynan found a really cool gift that he thought you might like, too! 

They were alive as well, so he set them free - maybe they will still be there if you ever get to come visit? 

Just never EVER forget...that we LOVE you to the far side of the ocean & back, buddy! :)

HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY, Branden Elijah Butler!!