Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Entries from September 1, 2010 - September 30, 2010


“Sell your possessions and… follow Me.” *

A little over 10 days into our 100 day fundraising campaign and the move is already becoming very real!  We’ve been blessed with our first “support team” partners, we have a growing list of appointments, fundraising events are now on the calendar, and we’re beginning to filter everything we have or buy through the lens of “Haiti”.

There’s a reason why the rich young man went away sad…selling everything you own isn’t easy. As excited as we are and absolutely at peace with God’s call right now, the fact is that it’s challenging to start boxing things up and watching them go. Like everything else we are just along for the ride, but already marveling in His provision.

A few weeks after arriving home from our initial trip to Haiti we had a family call and ask if they could buy our house – BEFORE we had made the decision to list it! Rebecca’s horse that we’d been trying to sell for months… suddenly SOLD and now has a great new home! One of the most beautiful things in the midst of all the change though, came from the heart of a dear friend last week.

In the midst of planning a yard /estate sale to lighten our load and raise money for the moving fund, Rebecca invited a friend over who was interested in going through the house & purchasing items we didn’t need. First of all, this isn’t necessarily a normal sale. Nearly everything is going, not just the “hand-me down”-“we’re done with this” -leftover’s- that you’re glad to be rid of. So, when you’re selling things you still like, it’s always nice to know they are going to someone who will enjoy them as much as you did. That was the case, which made it SO much easier! But at the end of the day with her treasures all home, our precious friend put the new items around the house, sat her family down , and took them on a tour to identify each & every one, requesting that whenever they saw or used one of “our” previous pieces they stop & remember to pray for us! So we’ve been doubly blessed by this family, to know that whether they are curled up with one of our pillows or making dinner in the wok, we’ll be thought of and lifted up again & again.

With that wonderful start as a salve to ease any “pain”, the home liquidation continues. From Ted loading up boxes of our library contents to sell at Half Price Books, to Tania Grace filling her car with home decorations & family memory items that she will be the “steward” over for now, God has been faithful. The moving fund is growing, our oldest is delighted with her trove; the house may slowly empty, but as each box leaves, our hearts are being filled!

* Matthew 19:21 NIV


Barlow Family takes their motto to Haiti...the journey begins.

Welcome to our family blog...!

After an entire summer spent confirming whether or not God was calling us to full-time orphan ministry in Haiti, we are thrilled to be moving on to the next part of this journey.

For years, our family motto has been:

"Always Room For One More"

It's based on the title of one of our favorite children's books, and echoes God's heart towards us. At first it applied to our own family and adoption. With time it blazed a trail through all sorts of adventure and family experiences.

Since our new position will include managing a guest house, we know we're headed in the right direction. God willing we'll add to our family while in Haiti as well. In fact, we're certain there will be no shortage of opportunities to apply our "mantra" along the way.

So, we hope you enjoy following our blog! If you'd like to partner with us in ministry, you'll find many ways to do that here as well.

We pray that you're inspired here to ALWAYS find "room" in your life for MORE...


Ted, Rebecca, Tania, Ana, Tynan, Emma & Olivia