Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Entries from June 1, 2012 - June 30, 2012



These two ladies have had a huge impact on my life. Jerilyn wouldn't tell you herself, but she assisted the Russian dept of education in forming the very first adoption laws in the early 1990's...then she went on to form a ministry called Christian Adoption Project. That is how we ended up adopting our four girls!

Bridget was an adoptive mom already, when I first brought our girls home & she stepped up to be a mentor initially & later on a true friend, as we navigated the world of raising our special needs girls together. She was an encouragement and a support, even when she was having struggles of her own. 

I am SO blessed to know them and to have them speak into my life over the years. I am so proud of the adoptive moms that they are; even in facing severe difficulties, they have never given up on their kids! I love that our "trauma bonds" have seared us together into a "sure-you-can-call-me-at-2am" friendship!!

On top of that, none of us could EVER have imagined that we would all be meeting up here in Haiti today! I am always grateful for the chance to fellowship, work, minister & just plain hang out together with these amazing friends! They make me smile!!!


with two of my most favorite people (that I rarely get to see)

in the world...Bridget Robins (L) & Jerilyn Cochran (R)



Post-earthquake update



This camp is one of several that we have seen dissipate in the past 6 months. 

Reported via our UN feed today:

As of June 2012, an estimated 390,000 individuals (or 98,000 IDP households) reside in 575 camps and camp-like settlements across the earthquake affected areas. This is a 7 per cent decrease in the number of individuals living in IDP sites compared to the previous report of April 2012. Since the height of the displacement crisis two years ago (an estimated 1.5 million individuals were living in IDP sites in July 2010), some 75 per cent of the original camp population remains. 
The important decrease of IDPs from camps for this period can be attributed to a number of factors including effective return and relocation projects implemented in the framework of the GoH-led through the Unité de construction de logements et de bâtiments publics (UCLBP). This is particularly apparent in the commune of Port-au-Prince this period where the population has decreased by 17% (from 25,853 households to 21,366) since April this year. 
The total number of open sites reduced by 27 this reporting period: from 602 in April 2012 to 575 in June. This is a 63% decrease compared to July 2010 where as many as 1,555 sites were recorded.

Majority of the displaced population (60% or 233,857 IDP individuals) continue to reside in the 40 sites (sites hosting 500 or more households). On the other hand, 79% of sites (453 sites) host less than 150 households in each site, accounting for about 19% of the IDP population (72,490 individuals). 
DTM provides important analysis to continue our collective efforts to identify more durable solutions for the IDPs still in tents as well as for communities of return and indicates the feasibility of scaling up return and relocations projects to favor the closing of as many sites as possible in a principled and dignified manner. 

from the IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix - 28 June 2012



the journey...& thoughts on "fear"

So much of what we experience & process on a daily basis here seems more difficult than usual to put into words or to paint an adequate description of. I (Rebecca) am going to continue trying to just spill things out as they come along... 

One of the questions that we are asked frequently, by friends and family, is whether we feel afraid, or in  danger, here. It is a valid question! The simple answer is: sometimes “yes”, but mostly “no”. 

On FEAR: (excerpted from journal entry)

I always wondered just how "fear" fit in to our being made in the "image" of God. However, fear wasn't part of the original creation. Adam & Eve did not live in fear. Fear came with their sinfulness, even before they received judgment. Now we are all born with a sinful nature that cannot please God, and we know...somehow...we "sense", our separation from Him even before we know Him or believe in Him. It causes a sort of constant "separation anxiety" of sorts. We describe it as an "emptiness", and then we seek to fix or fulfill it with whatever we think might work, often wrong choices. The moral code that we all seem to ascribe to, but struggle to follow, is a testimony to His presence and what He has deemed "good". 

Living in a world that is harsh and full of selfishness & destruction is a fearful thing enough, and then we come face to face with our Creator (or not). In admitting to the existence of God, we find ourselves fearful of our own shortcomings. However, scripture tells us that "...God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7, nkjv) As we seek to know Him, we realize His faithfulness to us in the way that He has provided for us to return to an intimate relationship with Him. We can finally return to that pre-sinful man state, where we can walk with & in Him and His loving security. Fear is dispelled! 

Throughout scripture God's interaction with man has begun with "Fear not..." It is typical for us to have a safe and healthy fear of the powerful Creator of the universe, but only of the fact that we need him so desperately and don't want to risk losing His life-giving love and the Spirit that he infuses us with through our redemption! We are NOT to be fearful of the journey that our faith puts us on however…

"Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom." (Luke 12:32 nkjv)

"Jesus is not primarily a teacher of information or morals. His teachings go much deeper than that. He is a teacher of a way or a path that leads to change and transformation and a new heart brought about by a surrendered life deeply centered in God. Jesus challenges us to abandon the wide, easy path of conventional wisdom and embark on the long, difficult, and narrow path of divine wisdom that leads those of us who choose to follow away from temporal values centered in ourselves toward eternal values centered in God. He is always lovingly and compassionately inviting His followers to a different way of seeing and living." (Crenshaw & Snapp, 2005)

The highlighted sentence stands out to me particularly. God has been at work in my heart over the years and so far that is exactly the journey that he has had me on, with a very long way to go!! From my experience, it IS an adventure & aptly described as a “long, difficult, and narrow path”! Without His love and compassion & strength, I would surely have succumbed by now to more of this world's ideals. Thankfully, I don't have to have arrived at any particular “destination” in order for Him to take me up as an instrument in His plans. I am faulty, but His sovereignty is molding me into a masterpiece of His own perfect design. It is a lifelong path...and the journey a very different one…

"Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells." (2 Peter 3:13)

I live in a "dangerous" place according to 1st World standards, but more dangerous than living here, would be a life following anyone else's plan - especially my OWN! This is a very different view than many might hold, but it is the way that He has asked me to "see" and to "live" right now...


Crenshaw, K & Snapp, C (2005). The Hidden Life: Revelations from a Holy Journey. NavPress.


Highs & Lows



Barlow Residence, Port au Prince, Haiti

High for today:  89F

Last night's Low:  70F

Currently:  77F

Feels like:  WONDERFUL!!!

On other fronts however, the recent “Highs” in our neck of the woods, were Thursday night through Sunday morning when we had the HUGE encouragement & enjoyment of Dr. Mike Fisher & his lovely daughter, Monica being here for a visit. They literally got to experience Port au Prince from one end of the city to the other, eat Haitian food at the guest house, attend a medical clinic and visit some facilities regarding dental care equipment. They packed a lot in for only 2 full days, but it was a blessing to fellowship with them and begin to see how God will provide for them to bring much needed dental care to our WO church communities, as well as others around the area.

The second high was getting to spend a little time with the missions pastor from LakePointe church in Rockwall. He was here in Haiti preparing for some ministry that they will do here with Mission of Hope.

It was another encouragement…which we only seem to realize that we are in need of once the opportunity arises! So we were unexpectedly refreshed by these visits!

Now for the “Lows” here at home (hint: areas for prayer!!) –

Several of us (pretty much everyone except Ted & Tynan) have been ill. We can’t seem to figure out what is causing it, can’t seem to shake it, and are all tired of feeling miserable! The symptoms are different for everyone, yet somewhat linked. We have a WO team here right now, so pray for a miraculous recovery that would allow us to minister to & with them.

The second low was this morning, when we found out our car was broken into on the street. Lesson learned: don’t’ leave the car out on the street, even in a rain storm! The passenger side door frame is bent where they pried it open. The only thing stolen was our small portable inverter. They were unsuccessful with the radio and the battery was fine too, but we will have some car repairs to deal with.

For now we are just focusing on the luxury of this completely unexpected cool weather, - despite the fact that the storm took our power out for over 24 hours again (melting my belated Mother’s Day gift: a carton of no sugar added ice cream). Nothing can ruin our enjoyment of the breeze though… we don’t need our fans, ice or ice cream right now anyhow!!


Meet our first "official" WO interns!

Last month our first interns arrived for the summer:


Anna Brown from Poetry, TX


and our own…

Tynan Barlow from Ft. Lauderdale, FL (most recently)


Our third intern, David Aulie, will be joining us from Wheaton, IL on June 25th.