Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Highs & Lows



Barlow Residence, Port au Prince, Haiti

High for today:  89F

Last night's Low:  70F

Currently:  77F

Feels like:  WONDERFUL!!!

On other fronts however, the recent “Highs” in our neck of the woods, were Thursday night through Sunday morning when we had the HUGE encouragement & enjoyment of Dr. Mike Fisher & his lovely daughter, Monica being here for a visit. They literally got to experience Port au Prince from one end of the city to the other, eat Haitian food at the guest house, attend a medical clinic and visit some facilities regarding dental care equipment. They packed a lot in for only 2 full days, but it was a blessing to fellowship with them and begin to see how God will provide for them to bring much needed dental care to our WO church communities, as well as others around the area.

The second high was getting to spend a little time with the missions pastor from LakePointe church in Rockwall. He was here in Haiti preparing for some ministry that they will do here with Mission of Hope.

It was another encouragement…which we only seem to realize that we are in need of once the opportunity arises! So we were unexpectedly refreshed by these visits!

Now for the “Lows” here at home (hint: areas for prayer!!) –

Several of us (pretty much everyone except Ted & Tynan) have been ill. We can’t seem to figure out what is causing it, can’t seem to shake it, and are all tired of feeling miserable! The symptoms are different for everyone, yet somewhat linked. We have a WO team here right now, so pray for a miraculous recovery that would allow us to minister to & with them.

The second low was this morning, when we found out our car was broken into on the street. Lesson learned: don’t’ leave the car out on the street, even in a rain storm! The passenger side door frame is bent where they pried it open. The only thing stolen was our small portable inverter. They were unsuccessful with the radio and the battery was fine too, but we will have some car repairs to deal with.

For now we are just focusing on the luxury of this completely unexpected cool weather, - despite the fact that the storm took our power out for over 24 hours again (melting my belated Mother’s Day gift: a carton of no sugar added ice cream). Nothing can ruin our enjoyment of the breeze though… we don’t need our fans, ice or ice cream right now anyhow!!

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