Change of plans!

I am sitting here this evening at the end of another successful and eventful trip to Haiti. But this trip wasn't supposed to happen, at least not with me included. Our family was half way through our month long road trip and visiting a good friend in Washington DC when the phone rang. The World Orphans team leader for the next trip to Haiti could not go because his first baby was going to be born early and at any minute! The team that he was leading was in the greater DC area and would be flying out the next day. Would I be able to make the flight and lead the team? Less than 24 hours later I was on a flight out of Dulles while Rebecca, Tynan, and the twins were continuing the drive to Texas. Whew!
Of course God's plans are perfect! There are so many reasons that I should be on this trip. I was able to lead 4 guys from Harvest Church to meet their Haitian church partner and the kids in the OVC program for the first time. They left today, their heads full of ideas about how their church can make a difference in the lives of these precious children! I was able to visit with Pastor Gaston and see him in better health than the last time I saw him, his face beaming with love and pride as he watched the team play with "his" kids. I was able to visit a family that I last saw in May. The first time I met them, "Falon", a 12 year old girl met us at the door of a flimsy tent next to a small metal shed used as a kitchen. This week I was invited into their new cinder block house; one with a foundation, metal roof, and electricity. Simple but elegant and strong. My heart was glad as I thanked God that another organization came to Haiti to provide them this wonderful home.
There are many other blessings from this trip too. I have been able to help with a medical situation with one of our local staff. I have been able to shop for a car and look at houses while I am here. Many other things as well. Of course I miss my family and would have loved to been with them while they stayed with family in Chickamaug, Georgia, visited a dear supporter in Atlanta, stayed with good friends and enjoyed fabulous hospitality in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. I just found out that they have made it safely back to Texas tonight. I will fly to meet them in Dallas in a couple of days.
As a good friend recently told me, these events are "milestones" along the path. A way for God to confirm to us that we are heading in the right direction. God always "knows the paths He has for us", and will "set our paths straight" when we trust Him!