Kitten Nursery - 1

Ted & Rebecca
Tania Grace
Ana & Oliver
In comparison to Fredny's project this week, ours is quite simple...paint.
Tynan got to learn how, when we dove in on his room today!
60 sec 1.9 from Ted Barlow on Vimeo.
Today's 60 seconds follws us to the metal work artisan village. "tink, tink, tink..." It is one of our favorite places to go! The creations that they make out of old oil drums are phenomenal. Today we were purchasing items to be sold in the gift shop that Tynan is maintaining at the WO guest house. All of the profits are used to help move families in our partner church communities, out of tents and into homes.
The sounds of the neighborhood have become such a part of our "indoor/outdoor" style household that they have become comforting! Some days I'm not sure how I would ever adjust back to living in a tract neighborhood with the windows closed up, inside and cut off from my surroundings ever again.
Our drive across town this morning - be there in a minute!