Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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« May 2016 - Prayer & Praise updates / Ministry Needs | Main | December 2015 - Praise & Prayer »

Winter 2016 - Praise & Prayer updates


-          Rebecca completed her 15 months of book studies!

-          She was back home in Haiti for several weeks.

-          She passed her clinical skills check offs & prep.

-          She has two intensive clinical sites confirmed & started at the first, two weeks ago.

-          Syndie continues to have glowing health reports from her doctor, they are thrilled with her progress and growth.

-          Ted is finally working with a full staff at OB now, which helps with some of his work load.

-          Operation Blessing received their NGO status from the country of Haiti a couple of weeks ago, the end of a 6-year long process. Congrats!!

-          Ted also just returned from a successful trip to the Dominican Republic to obtain mosquito nets to distribute to pregnant moms in remote areas - Zika prevention.


-          Ted and the Operation Blessing team as they work quickly to address the mosquito born Zika virus epidemic, in the communities they support. So far none of the pregnant women they have come across had even heard of the virus. They have a lot of education & support to provide since Zika has just arrived there.

-          Pregnant women in Haiti in general. There are already so many dangers for them, adding Zika and the possibility of delivering handicapped babies is one more major concern.

-          Dominican deportees of Haitian descent.  There are thousands of homeless people that were born or lived in the DR since childhood, but have been stripped of their nationality, their finances, personal belongings & their families/communities due to their Haitian heritage. Most have been abducted & deposited over the Haitian border. This is the DR’s effort at ethnic cleansing of Haitians from their country.

-          3000 of these individuals are going to be relocated from the remote and desolate area of Anse a Pietre over the next 8 weeks and OB will be participating in the effort.

-          Kervensley, who’s health continues to deteriorate in the orphanage. For granted custody & adoption.

-          Both of us to have consistent spiritual refreshment & renewal in the midst of busy times.

-          Rebecca during her clinicals, currently at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. It is very hard to be away from family.

-          Guidance over the coming months about the future and our continuing work/ministry once Rebecca graduates.

-          All of our family for overall health and wellbeing.

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