Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Entries in praise (11)


May 2016 - Prayer & Praise updates / Ministry Needs

- Rebecca is halfway through the clinical portion of her studies.
- She attended a crucial birth center symposium in Haiti and met with other midwives who are either working in the country or supporting work here.
- The president of Rebecca's school, Frontier Nursing University, was here in Haiti in March and offered to work on credentialing a local private hospital as a potential clinical setting so that she can complete her clinicals here in Haiti!
- She has at least TWO incredible Nurse-Midwives that have committed to traveling to Haiti for several weeks each in order to pour into her learning and help her complete her midwifery requirements here.
- There have been some great conversations about improving maternity care in Haiti through developing more birth centers throughout the country. Several current ministries and national leaders gathered to try to work together recently.
- Syndie just completed FIRST grade! We are constantly reminded of the miracle of her life, her health and the privilege of watching her grow and thrive and learn.
- Ted has passed one and been diagnosed with at least five more kidney stones. He is not in much pain currently, but pray for this condition to resolve quickly and without any complications.
- Ted's overall health has been challenging, pray for physical strength and reserve as we enter the ruggedly hot summer months here.
- Pray that he will be able to find adequate breaks from immediate needs and responsibilities in order to recuperate. He has been regularly working 6 day weeks.
- Pray for Rebecca as she continues to acclimate back to HOT weather after being in the cold of MN for the spring months. It's been a physical struggle.
- Pray for the clinical site in Haiti to be approved this week - so that she can get started with her preceptor that is ready and waiting to travel down next weekend.
- Continue lifting up our adoption process, every time we meet with the adoption agency representative here we are given different instructions. Now we are told that we have additional paperwork to do before moving forward with Syndie's dossier.
- We are also STILL waiting for news from social services about receiving custody of Kervensley, who is deteriorating in the orphanage.
- Spiritual stamina and refreshment.
- Encouragement from family and friends in the US, hopefully some visitors to come visit and give us a much needed emotional boost in the next few months.
- Lastly, clear guidance as we have decisions to consider and make on life and ministry here over the second half of the year and into next year, once Rebecca finishes up her studies and we move into a completely new phase.
As always we thank God for all who are faithful in lifting up prayers on our behalf...we could not do much here without that.



One more CNM preceptor willing to travel down in late July or August. There may also be a longer term 3-12 mo position starting in fall/winter.

We are STILL searching for a qualified individual, interested in administrating/overseeing a computer programming training center here for 3-12 months. Programming skills preferred, but not absolutely necessary as most of the training can be supported from the US. 

ROOM, BOARD and travel provided for both of these opportunities to serve. Small stipend is negotiable for those committed to >3 months.


October ministry update

I (Rebecca) have to honestly admit that this is excerpted from an email to our DEAR prayer partners at Faith Bible Church in Citrus Heights, CA. They keep me on my toes and are so gracious in coming alongside us during these extremely busy times!

  • I just completed my most grueling school term yet in this nurse midwife program. Praise though for good grades!
  • I also just flew to CA and am going to start a short term contract at the new Sutter Women & Children's hospital, for one last skills refresher. It is also my last term of book studies before starting my clinicals.
  • Pray for Ted & Syndie in Haiti as I'm away...and for us all in missing each other terribly!
  • Pray for our oldest, Tania, as she is due to deliver her first baby  in the next few weeks. That I will get down there in time to help with the delivery and just for a safe, beautiful, sacred start to their new life as a family.
  • Pray for my three big kids here who are all trying to figure out next steps as they work and pursue more education. We need to move them to new housing while I am here as well. So pray for grace & strength!
  • Continue in fervent prayer with us over the life and adoption of the 6yo little boy in Syndie's old orphanage, Kervensley. We have been trying to get help from social services in gaining custody and his removal. His relatives were trying very hard to remove him and place him with us, but the orphanage director refused to release him. (this is illegal) Social services agreed to help them, but then the director came into town & they all disappeared and cut off communication. We suspect they were either paid off or threatened by her. IN the meantime, his MD says that his bloodwork shows continual deterioration, which means they are not following his treatment plan. This is by far the very HEAVIEST thing on our hearts and we have to lay it at the Lord's feet each day!
  • The coming year is a daunting one...between ministry, work, school, parenting kids in multiple countries and all of the complexities that come along with that. Pray for wisdom, guidance, peace and joy in the midst of the stress and chaos. 
  • Pray over the many life changing programs that Ted is helping oversee with Operation Blessing. Just when we feel progress is being made, we see huge disparities arise that humble us, sometimes discourage us, and keep us pressing onward. Just today they saved the life a pregnant mom & her baby in one of the outlying villages. She had extremely high blood pressure, a breech pregnancy, and some sort of cyst or abscess - they were able to stabilize her, transport her to a hospital and provide her care. The woman didn't have the prenatal care needed to identify these issues early or seek care now, bc she didn't have funds for either transportation OR a hospital stay. (probably no more than $200, but completely unreachable for her family) She and the baby likely would have died without this help. It is the Lord's work for sure - as He always seems to bring these type of situations to light just in time to prevent tragedy. 
  • Guidance for a new OB program that will train Haitian mechanics and provide GOOD, affordable auto repair for local missionaries throughout the country. God has been throwing open doors and developing this MUCH needed resource quite quickly.
  • Praise - our adoption process is finally in full swing & we have been told that it may go quicker than expected due to our residency in Haiti allowing for a different process. PRAY that Kervensley will be included!!

Thank you all for allowing us to pour open our hearts and receive the blessing of your prayers and partnership!


July Ministry update

A very quick list of the highlights:
- Rebecca completed another term well in her midwifery program. Only two more to go until clinicals.
- We finally found the person who has the right to remove Kervensley from the orphanage!
- SO thankful for Emma's help this summer, would not be nearly as successful with school/work without it!!
- Tania is having a healthy pregnancy and is expecting a baby girl in October, our first grandaughter.
- A restful & rejuvenating holiday weekend.
- Solutions on dealing with HEAT while studying - for Rebecca - as she starts her next & most important term next week through the very hottest time of the year here. (no a/c @ home)
For Kervensly to be OUT of the orphanage ASAP and able to be included in our adoptioon paperwork which will be submitted in the next few weeks. For the doors to OPEN WIDE for him at last!!!
- Continued guidance & human resources for starting the midwifery school and the computer programming training center.
For the THOUSANDS of Dominican born people of Haitian descent that have had their citizenship revoked or denied and are being scooped up & dumped at the border...we just found out that several hunred have ended up in the area of the country where Operation Blessing has had to deliver water due to extreme drought and dried up water reserves. It is a very unstable area for an influx of people in such dire need, though the communities are doing their best to assist them, despite their own situation.

Thank you all for your continued prayers, I'm sure we don't even know all of the ways that they touch our lives and work each day here.



We are STILL seeking a computer programming guru or team to commit to helping get our training program off the ground HERE in HAITI.

Will be working with Programming Firm in the US to prepare students for a new outsourcing business. 

Requires SOME time in Haiti, but doesn't have to be full time here. Could be a team of individuals that takes turns here guiding students.

THIS INDUSTRY and other jobs are SEVERELY NEEDED and VERY POSSIBLE to implement here!!!



Excerpted from a letter to one of our precious prayer partners - Faith Bible Church in Citrus Heights, CA
"This year has been quite an intense time. We can hardly believe at how fast it is flying by already. It is unfathomable that we are in June! Of course that is partially because it always feels like the summer months here, so we struggle to differentiate the seasons. 
I will just apologize right up front for not being able to get many updates out. I (Rebecca) am the main communicator and my free time has become very limited lately. I am just about to finish my 3rd term full time in the online portion of my masters midwifery program. It has been intense to say the least and taking up nearly all of my time! Ted has had so much happening with Operation Blessing too, it has been one concern or need after another that must be addressed all year. Thankfully God sustains us, because we often feel the need for strength far beyond our own.
Emma is here with us for a while to help out with the household and be an extra pair of hands with Syndie during the summer months. We are very thankful for that!
I have not had time or the internet strength to update the ministry page on our blog site regularly, so am just going to list those things that we are grateful for and in need of further prayer on in the coming months...
  • Olivia had surgery on her foot his spring and it went very well, she has had a long but so far successful recovery.
  • Syndie graduated from kindergarten last week! this is a huge event for her as it is the first time that she has been able to attend a full school year ever! She is now fluent in English as well and just generally full of joy and life.
  • We are nearing the end of a year of trying to gather all of the necessary adoption paperwork and able to get moving forward on it at last.
  • Rebecca was able to train another postnatal nurse in Hinche, Haiti this spring and we all attended the graduation of another class of Skilled Birth Attendants for Midwives for Haiti in March.
  • We are expecting our second grandchild this fall - Tania is pregnant with a baby girl!
  • Continued strength for each of us with so many responsibilities and ongoing needs to be met.
  • Spiritual refreshment & renewal as well as time for rest and Sabbath each week.
  • Provision of the perfect clinical sites to line up for Rebecca for early next year. The ability to do part of her clinical practice here in Haiti. This requires finding a CNM who will travel down for an extended period of time. 
  • Olivia to have continued healing and recovery with her foot, that pain will subside so she can get back to work.
  • For Tania to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery in the fall. Also that despite being pregnant she will find and obtain the perfect summer job.
  •  Ana will be traveling to the states in July-August with Oliver. Pray that we will all find a way to get to visit her in CA as well during her time there.
  • Tynan and Emma as they continue to navigate what to do or study next.
  • Two big ministry projects that are in the works - a midwifery school here in Port Au Prince and a computer programming outsourcing project. WE NEED resources AND leadership for these projects to move forward...and are just ready & waiting to get them off the ground.
  • We ask for favor on our adoption paperwork and that the process will begin to speed up here in Haiti this next year.
  • VERY IMPORTANT PRAYER PLEASE for Kervensly, the little boy that is still in Syndie's old orphanage. She calls him her "brother" and we continue to seek a way to gain custody so that he might be included in the adoption. Time is running OUT as we are going to "age out" (too old) in September and won't be able to go through the adoption process twice! He has severe medical needs that we feel will be life threatening in the O, but could easily be managed in a stable home. PRAY FOR OPEN DOORS!!!
  • Always...we ask prayer for the people, the moms, the children of Haiti! pray for continual outpouring of truth and faith and love here among the Haitian christians. Pray for the needs of the oppressed to be met and for orphans to be prevented or well cared for by extended family. 
  • PRAY for those in dire need, like in the mountainous South-east region of Haiti just now, where they have suffered a severe drought and had NO drinking water nearby for weeks now. Pray for the people to be sustained and for the coming trouble when they have no more food stores left and crops have been lost. Keep them calm and trusting in you, kind to their fellow man and faith-filled with your provision. Pray as Operation Blessing comes alongside to bring drinking water and assist with physical needs. Pray that they will be pointed to the real source of LIVING WATER through the ministry received.
  • Pray for a mountain side ministry that is being acquired by OB in the coming months. Guidance on how to support the projects there and meet the needs in this remote area.
  • Pray for the remote lake side villages Ted is working in - that are being supported with clean water, education and economic development - to grow and flourish with all that God has provided in answer to their prayers.
Again we thank you for always taking the time to lift us up. WE know that it is your prayer that often sustains us when we are in need of it the most - DAILY! Please let us know how we might pray for you as well."
  • Leadership for a computer programming training project - to help get it up and running here.
  • A CNM to precept Rebecca next year (needs to be identified & approved in the next few months)
  • Resources to cover expenses for a new Skilled BIrth Attendant training school here in PAP.
  • Volunteers to come work alongside us, help with household projects or "hold our arms up"!

Fall update


  • Family Time together with Ana & Ollie
  • All is well at Operation Blessing - Haiti
  • Syndie continues to LOVE her new school
  • Her english language acquisition is growing.
  • Rebecca completed a great RN contract in CA last week.
  • She also attended her midwifery program orientation.
  • Tynan started a second job last month that is a great fit!
  • Tania started another new job & finally has 2 days off/wk!
  • Olivia returned safe & sound to TX after 2 months in CA.
  • We've been able to catch up on health check ups & care.
  • Our chikungunya pain seems to be diminishing - yay!!
  • A divine appointment with new ministry friends in CA. 


  • Rebecca started her Midwifery courses last week.
  • Specifically for good time management and focus.
  • She returns to Haiti in a couple of weeks.
  • Comfort & encouragement for Tynan & Emma once she leaves.
  • Stamina for Ted with Syndie!
  • Recent power issues - wearing Ted down again
  • Fatigue - adequate rest & refreshment
  • Our adoption paperwork has been difficult & daunting.
  • Doors to open for us to have custody of Kervensly
  • To be granted an appointment with the director of IBESR
  • The perfect director for the Computer Programming business.
  • Ways to combat isolation & lack of social outlets.
  • Continual spiritual infusion & growth for each of us
  • SAFETY...a daily mindfulness and divine protection for ALL of us!
  • Our kids in CA, TX & EU - all facing typical young adult challenges


  • Financial Resources (monthly or one time gifts):

We now receive 100% living expense coverage from Operation Blessing, Intl.

****Specific NEED!!! $2000 for adoption homestudy fees ASAP*****

INTERNATIONAL HOPE & HERITAGE is our fiscal sponsor 501(c)3 organization for all projects that fall under TenMillionToes.

ONE-TIME or MONTHLY support of current projects- CLICK HERE.

Click on the project designation bar, scroll down the list, choose:

Orphans-Barlow Family in Haiti

CURRENT PROJECTS in progress (as funds allow): 

- Job creation through business as missions: Computer Programming

- Orphan prevention through: Maternity Care & Birthing Centers

ALL funds are applied to current ministry projects above or specific items below as designated. 

  • Household Items: 

Solar Panels (6-8)

  • Maternity Care:

Certified Nurse Midwife needed (1 yr comittment - stipend position)

Fetal heart Doppler

Portable Ultrasound

Maternity meds (pitocin, cytotec, prenatal vitamins)

  • Office Support:

IT Programming Director needed (stipend position)

Office Chairs


  • Special Requests:

Airline miles/tickets/vouchers - for kids/family to visit regularly

Inexpensive economical car - for Olivia (TX)