Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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« October ministry update | Main | Still looking...for a CNM/preceptor »

July Ministry update

A very quick list of the highlights:
- Rebecca completed another term well in her midwifery program. Only two more to go until clinicals.
- We finally found the person who has the right to remove Kervensley from the orphanage!
- SO thankful for Emma's help this summer, would not be nearly as successful with school/work without it!!
- Tania is having a healthy pregnancy and is expecting a baby girl in October, our first grandaughter.
- A restful & rejuvenating holiday weekend.
- Solutions on dealing with HEAT while studying - for Rebecca - as she starts her next & most important term next week through the very hottest time of the year here. (no a/c @ home)
For Kervensly to be OUT of the orphanage ASAP and able to be included in our adoptioon paperwork which will be submitted in the next few weeks. For the doors to OPEN WIDE for him at last!!!
- Continued guidance & human resources for starting the midwifery school and the computer programming training center.
For the THOUSANDS of Dominican born people of Haitian descent that have had their citizenship revoked or denied and are being scooped up & dumped at the border...we just found out that several hunred have ended up in the area of the country where Operation Blessing has had to deliver water due to extreme drought and dried up water reserves. It is a very unstable area for an influx of people in such dire need, though the communities are doing their best to assist them, despite their own situation.

Thank you all for your continued prayers, I'm sure we don't even know all of the ways that they touch our lives and work each day here.



We are STILL seeking a computer programming guru or team to commit to helping get our training program off the ground HERE in HAITI.

Will be working with Programming Firm in the US to prepare students for a new outsourcing business. 

Requires SOME time in Haiti, but doesn't have to be full time here. Could be a team of individuals that takes turns here guiding students.

THIS INDUSTRY and other jobs are SEVERELY NEEDED and VERY POSSIBLE to implement here!!!

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