July 2014 - ministry update

- Things are settling in for Ted at Operation Blessing, Intl
- We are moved into the new house across the street.
- Syndie's bonding continues to go well, so far.
- Rebecca enjoying her ministry with Midwives for Haiti.
- The project that she is helping on is going GREAT!
- She just got her ACCEPTANCE into the midwifery program!!
- We're blessed with an abundance of ministry opportunities.
- Continuing to grow in our Kreyol....slowly...but progress.
- Olivia finally found a job in TX.
- Tania Grace started a new caregiver position that she LOVES!
- Ana & Oliver are going to the US for a visit in September.
- HEALTH - EVERYONE still suffering from Chikungunya arthritis.
- Much of the local population also dealing with after-virus effects.
- Rebecca's mom may have had it, she is having joint pain still also.
- Rebecca had to send Syndie home from Hinche yesterday.
- Rebecca will finish up her project for Midwives for Haiti next week.
- Ted as he deals with his work & caring for Syndie alone until then!
- Rebecca as she gears up for midwifery school (online) soon.
- Decisions we need to make about one last US nursing contract for her.
- The computer programming outsource PILOT - hope to start up soon
- SAFETY...a daily mindfulness and divine protection for ALL of us!
- Our kids in CA, TX & EU - facing lots of the young adult challenges
- God's continued provision of safety, housing, good jobs & support.
- Tynan still looking for a second job - pray for the perfect match!
- Emma - continuing to make strides with new "grown up" goals.
- Still waiting for a meeting with social services regarding Kervensley.
- Provision of funds for Syndie's adoption paperwork to go smoothly.
- Some kind of simple vacation on the horizon needed...!
- Details/resources to work out for us to see Ana & Oliver in Sept.
- Financial Resources (monthly or one time gifts):
As of July 1st we will be at 100% living expense coverage thanks to Operation Blessing!
****Specific NEED!!! $2000 for adoption homestudy fees ASAP*****
INTERNATIONAL HOPE & HERITAGE is our new ministry partner & fiscal sponsor 501(c)3 organization.
Set up either ONE-TIME or MONTHLY support of ministry projects HERE.
Click on the project designation bar, scroll down the list, choose: Orphans-Barlow Family in Haiti
CURRENT PROJECTS in progress as funds allow:
- Job creation through business as missions: Computer Programming
- Orphan prevention through: Maternity Care & Birthing Centers
ALL resources received after July 1st, ARE directly applied to specific items below or current ministry projects!
- Household Items:
URGENT NEED - New household batteries (4-8) PROVIDED!!!!
Solar Panels (6-8)
- Maternity Care:
Fetal heart Doppler
Portable Ultrasound
Maternity meds (pitocin, cytotec, prenatal vitamins)
- Job Creation projects:
- computer programming
White Boards
Office furniture
Solar Panels (6 - 8)
- Volunteers:
Solar installation
Encouragement & Enrichment
Business Professionals (tourism, accounting, non-profit, retail, restaurant)
IT Professionals (programming, web design)
Media Professionals (graphic design, branding, PR)
Medical Professionals:
Social Worker
Child Development Specialist
Project fundraisers
Grant Writer(s)
& /or ANY of these USEFUL SKILLS to provide training in:
Film & Photography
Newborn Care

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