June 2014 Ministry Update

- Ted was well enough to travel to VA for Operation Blessing orientation
- We've had a FANTASTIC time with family & visitors this month!
- The adoption process is underway & Syndie is SO excited!!
- She continues to blossom, thrive, bubble & beam.
- God has provided during this "gap" period in many small ways.
- New housing right across the street.
- Rebecca's brother was just here setting up the office for our first business/missions project.
- Olivia, Rebecca, and Syndie made it through chikungunya too.
- SO far none of our visitors have gotten it.
- We had unexpected visitors who helped with the move this week!!
- Our Kreyol is becoming quite fluent at the 6 yo level.
- HEALTH - Rebecca & Olivia still recovering from Chikungunya virus.
- Much of the local population also dealing with after-virus effects.
- That none of our current visitors will get it!
- Rebecca, Syndie, Bethany & Sarah travel up to Hinche Saturday.
- Rebecca is the temporary in-country coordinator for Midwives for Haiti.
- Ted had a VERY challenging start with Operation Blessing - needs rest!
- Last week there were two separate armed robberies of employees on the same day.
- One of them was fatal, a shocking tragedy for the OB family as well as his own. PLEASE PRAY for the family and friends of Gerrit Heinen.
- Ted was responsible for all of the funeral arrangements, a huge ordeal.
- There have been major repercussions on OB projects & procedures.
- SAFETY...while we live peacefully here, there are many precautions to keep in place daily.
- The computer programming outsource project PILOT starts in 2 weeks!!!
- The weekend cafe project is now on HOLD.
- Olivia returned to TX & is looking for a job - pray for a great match.
- Tynan is looking for a second job - pray that he finds good options.
- Tania Grace is looking for a full time job that uses her talents better.
- We are still trying to get a meeting with the head of social services regarding Kervensley.
- Adoption paperwork details (HARDER here) & resources to come together smoothly.
- Rebecca is still looking for a mother's helper - late July & August.
- Grieving - said goodbye to our dear Australian friends who left Monday.
- Regular reprieves from the HEAT this time of year!
- Financial Resources (monthly or one time gifts):
As of July 1st we will be at 100% living expense coverage thanks to Operation Blessing!
INTERNATIONAL HOPE & HERITAGE is our new ministry partner & fiscal sponsor 501(c)3 organization.
Set up either ONE-TIME or MONTHLY support of ministry projects HERE.
Click on the project designation bar, scroll down the list, choose: Orphans-Barlow Family in Haiti
ALL resources received after July 1st, ARE directly applied to specific items below or current ministry projects!
- Household Items:
URGENT NEED - New household batteries (4-8) PROVIDED!!!!
Tires for our vehicle (4)
Solar Panels (6-8)
- Maternity Care:
Fetal heart Doppler
Portable Ultrasound
Maternity meds (pitocin, cytotec, prenatal vitamins)
- Job Creation projects:
- computer programming
White Boards
Office furniture
Solar Panels (6 - 8)
- Volunteers:
Solar installation
Encouragement & Enrichment
Business Professionals (tourism, accounting, non-profit, retail, restaurant)
IT Professionals (programming, web design)
Media Professionals (graphic design, branding, PR)
Medical Professionals:
Social Worker
Child Development Specialist
Project fundraisers
Grant Writer(s)
& /or ANY of these USEFUL SKILLS to provide training in:
Newborn Care
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