Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Entries in Haiti's Hope (3)


60 seconds a day...

I don't know why exactly, but it has been really hard to blog lately. 

Maybe it's because there a fewer truly "new" experiences going into our second year here. More likely it is due to an overwhelming feeling of inadequacy I have lately when it comes to putting life, work, and continuing cultural acquisition into words. 

Both Ted & I have talked about having SO MUCH on our minds, SO MUCH on our hearts & SO MUCH going on around us that brings up more questions than answers. We aren't overly concerned with that fact, it's just the way it is right now. It is probably good to be in a place where we finally have better questions to ask. I never want to presume to know the "answer". It's an intentional and constant battle to fight that notion & to lay it aside for an open and teachable spirit.

I will try to find my words & write more about that in the near future, as we process things more fully. In the meantime, we've decided to try something simple and fun to help share our daily life with those that may care...a daily video blog.

Sometimes, I find myself saying, if they only knew what we're doing right now, or I wish they could see this moment or that one. So we are going to try to be more faithful in keeping our camera around & capturing 60 seconds a day in order to give you just a small way to join us here.

Hopefully, over time, it will give you an idea of everyday life in Haiti too.


Free Time!! (day 2 - Wahoo Bay)

What is the single best way to wear out a pack of kids? In my opinion it's SWIMMING!

Not really knowing how to swim much sure didn't slow down this crowd! They splashed around like little fish all day long and then crashed into bed on the way home.

It was a gorgeous day at Wahoo Bay - we were all blessed to be treated to such an adventure by Pastor J and Seth Keyser via Haiti's Hope!!

Wahoo Bay Beach Resort

on the Cote de Arcadins

Mammi Martine posted this video recently of our time together as well:

Click here


Free Time! (day 1 - Ft. Jacques)

What do we absolutely LOVE doing in our spare time??

One of our favorite activities is helping out our friend Pastor Jay, from Calvary Chapel, Sawgrass, who is the president of Haiti's Hope.

Why? because it involves kids, of course!!!

I am pretty sure that we had as much (if not more) fun than the kids at Diakonos orphanage last week, when we helped to take them on a little summer "retreat". There was just nothing like seeing them get out and experience new things, freedom, culture, history, and the BEACH! 

 Exploring Fort Jacques: