Primary tutor Haiti...

We are taking applications & interviewing for a tutor/parent's helper for our daughter Syndie (& possibly one other child) here in Haiti. This is a live in...or live nearby position...!
She is an ESL student at this time, but quite clever!!
We are actually very hands on parents who also have big ministry jobs to do both inside & outside the home. Rebecca will be studying for her midwifery degree online for the next year & working on opening a birthing center in an area north of Port Au Prince. Ted is the new Haiti National Director for Operation Blessing.
We are looking for someone to tutor/ teach our daughter using homeschool curriculum part time and to be a parent's helper or personal assistant here & there as needed to help us balance work/family life.
We will cover r/t airfare for anyone who commits to one year, room & board & a small stipend.
Position begins July 28th, 2014 and ends (approx.) June 20th, 2015. There is the possibility of extending for an additional 6-10 months.
Experience with young children.
Teaching background.
A single woman or couple.
Previous overseas travel or living.
French or Kreyol language skills.
An interest in international medical care or community development is a plus.
For more information or to send your C.V. for consideration, contact us at
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