February 2014 ministry update
- We are going back to Haiti with 100% monthly funding commitments!
- Tynan & Emma both like their jobs & their jobs like them.
- Rebecca ended her L&D contract & is leaving with “fresh” skills.
- We are relieved that she will no longer have to be away from Haiti.
- Three of the Haitian directors at Papillion Enterprise are in the US for their very first time RIGHT NOW to learn more about retail sales, help run a trade show and hopefully continue to build the company providing additional jobs for at risk moms & dads.
- Ted has moved us into our new duplex & has it up & running already.
- SO grateful for God’s presence every moment & every step of this journey.
- The medical work going on in Haiti this week by a visiting group at the AP guesthouse.
- For the many stressors that sneak up on us in this lifestyle & ministry
- To return to Haiti on Feb 16th refreshed and ready for all that God has in store this year.
- Tynan & Emma to have enough hours/work to be able to pay their expenses in CA.
- The kids (& us!) as we prepare to live separately in the coming months.
- Olivia as she continues to work through her recovery program.
- Plans & provision for a quick trip to Texas again to move all of our stored items.
- Continued direction & guidance for Ted as he looks at new Haitian business projects.
- Rebecca as she seeks God’s clarity, moves forward, and weighs up some heavy decisions around her schooling & the maternity center.
- God’s guidance & provision for two kids with medical needs that we’ve helped care for.
- Financial Resources (monthly or one time gifts):
We are at 100% monthly funding commitment at present!
Individual and or dedicated monthly gifts are always welcome, however. We do have supporters who need to change their giving due to unforeseen circumstances & having others step into the gap as God leads truly helps to keep our minds, hearts & energies focused on our daily ministry in Haiti. Please feel free to send a quick email to discern our present needs at any given time.
Any one-time or monthly resources received above our personal budget needs each month will be applied toward specific items on our lists below or upcoming AP projects!
- Household Items:
Tires for our vehicle (4)
Solar Panels (6)
Small chest freezer
Small / Portable Airconditioner
Portable Shade Cover
Roof top garden supplies
- Medical supplies:
Fetal heart Doppler
Portable Ultrasound
Maternity meds (pitocin, cytotec, prenatal vitamins)
- Volunteers:
Solar installation
Rooftop garden & patio
Encouragement & Enrichment
Medical Professionals:
Project fundraisers
AP local representatives
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