Help Wanted in Haiti:

Seeking schoolteacher/governess for twin sisters.
(ministry-based position*)
Olivia and Emma
We are moving to Haiti next month and are looking for a mature young woman to serve alongside us in ministry as a school teacher and companion for our daughters, who have minor learning differences.
Duties would include:
- Supervising schooling
- Tutoring or assisting with coursework as needed
- Spiritual discipleship
- General life skills training
- Encouragement
May accompany them in ministry work at local orphanage if desired, or seek own ministry experiences or interests outside of learning hours.
Position details:
Hours are flexible, Monday-Friday, weekends free.
MUST relocate to Port au Prince, Haiti.
Requires a minimum 6 MONTH commitment, we would prefer ONE YEAR.
Desired start date - no later than January 1, 2012 (may begin as early as Nov 22, 2011)
- Full Room & Board
- Roundtrip Airfare
- International Health Insurance
*This is a volunteer or ministry-based position. (You may want to bring your own spending money or choose to raise support to cover a salary or any other personal expenses that may be needed.)
A couple may be considered if husband has other ministry in the area.
In this case provision details would be negotiable.
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