Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Entries in RI team (1)


Giving Thanks –

We are SO Thankful for the many teams & supporters that come alongside us in ministry here in Haiti.

Not only does it require the sacrifice of others to keep us here daily, but we can’t do everything that needs doing in a place like Haiti, alone. Looking around us day to day can be quite overwhelming. The needs often feel insurmountable & heartbreaking. So whenever we have teams or groups, whenever new support shows up, in its many forms, we are filled with joy and blessing! More hands, more feet, more of God’s body and resources at work, serves to multiply anything that we could ever begin to do here in a way that brings glory to God in the most amazing way.

This past week we had a real treat! Our cousin (more like a niece to me) travelled down from Rhode Island with a team that was working not far from us here in Port Au Prince. It was her second trip to Haiti, but the first since we have moved here full-time.

We also have our dear friend, Princess Scutt here from Florida. Princess is a Haitian-American-Bahamian! She is also a Pharmacist & speaks fluent Kreyol. She has taken a month sabbatical from work in order to do medical ministry here and to spend some time bonding with her adoptive daughters while they are in the process still. It was really cool to spend several days helping this team with their medical clinics during the week. It is SO the “body of Christ”, to think of how God had orchestrated that I & Becca & Princess would be working alongside each other, with a fabulous team of brothers & sisters in Christ from New England & Canada to serve the people of Haiti’s medical needs this week.

I am excited to see God at work in the lives of both of these amazing women of faith. I enjoy watching Princess beginning to “mother” her new daughters & deepen her relationships with them. At the same time she is sacrificially stepping out of her comfort zone to minister wholeheartedly to the people of her heritage. She wasn’t born in Haiti and didn’t grow up here, so she is finding life in Haiti to be a mixture of familiar cultural memories and completely foreign experiences as well.

Becca is a little girl that we have known & loved and are now both privileged & thrilled to watch blossom into godly womanhood. OK, so she happens to be sort of a namesake, too, but that doesn’t bias me! She is truly an amazing young woman who is intentionally surrendering her 20 year old life to Christ and seeking Him with all of her heart. She is beautiful both inside and out. It is really fun to share her fresh perspective, her energy and willing heart. Becca says that Haiti feels like “home” to her now & we recognize that well from the experience of our own calling. We look forward to seeing how God continues to use her here in the future!

Working together this week has offered a humbling example of how each one of us has the ability to minister here in a way completely unique to the gifts and experiences that God has given us. I cannot thank Him enough for allowing me to serve – in cooperation and collaboration with my family, these women and a remarkable body of Christ following individuals – as we jointly fulfill His plans & further His name in this little corner of the world.