Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Entries in Haiti10 (1)


Priceless remembrances: Haiti 10 premier 

Finding ourselves in the midst of cosmetic repairs of the new house recently, has been moving in many ways. We are blessed by the home & the refuge that it represents for us here. We finally feel truly settled & “at home” in Haiti, though we’ve only been in it a few weeks.

At the same time we are cleaning up and painting over remaining stark reminders engraved into our walls from the tragic event that occurred 3 years ago this month. Life for us is familiar in Port Au Prince now, day in and day out.  We go about our work, meet up with friends, grocery shop and spend time with family like everyone else. Every once in a while though, the 5pm hour draws near and a wave washes over me…as the thoughts come, “What if it had happened now…?” “Where would I have been, what would it be like for me? For us?”  It was a Tuesday late afternoon/evening, very much like today, very much like this moment.

I am a part of this society now, of this place, of these people, that were wrenched apart in a few short moments by utter loss, terror and brokenness, yet I cannot fully comprehend it.

While we repair the few cracks and crevices left behind in this place, the constant reminder of all that was lost for some sits right next door. We have a lovely balcony. We do EVERYTHING out there. We pass most of our days that are at home, eating, talking, working, planning, worshipping, praying and relaxing up there. Yet a few feet below on one side, lays our neighbor’s house in ruins. He sleeps in a tiny outbuilding in the far back. It is just barely big enough for his freshly made bed. He washes in the front area near the gate and cooks there as well. It has been THREE years. This is how he has lived since his large beautiful home collapsed that day. I try to picture how it must have looked before, but I can’t know. I can’t understand or fathom what he has been through and how he has managed to live facing the evidence of his losses every single day since.

(there is a small glimpse of it to the right in this photo)

JPHRO, Sean Penn’s relief organization, came this week. The owner has finally been brave enough to break his home up into pieces over the past few months. It was still just as it fell, when we came here for the first time back in September. They measured the lot and the depth of rubble.  I think they plan to return and load it all away one day soon. It has to be done…if he’s ever going to have the chance to start again. The job of taking it down is monumental, let alone the work and expense to rebuild.

This week was also the premiere of Haiti 10, the documentary based on one of our church community partners. We weren’t able to attend the special presentation hosted by Victor Wooten just now, and neither were most of the family that it was about. Pastor Pierre and Ron represented everyone here. Jonathan Moyer was good enough to share this clip from the event for us to watch on Facebook.  It was astounding!!!  Victor re-enacts the day of the earthquake in a pure & absolutely MOVING musical performance. What a humble man…

We have been re-focused and re-energized for the work at hand, while remembering the events that God used to call us to this remarkable place, where we live and work and learn something new about ourselves, the world, or God Himself, each and every day!