Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Entries in Clercine village (1)


Back in Haiti - day 4 - celebrations!

Yesterday started off with a fun gathering at the new bridge to celebrate it's completion!

Our ApParent Project board member, Cami Franklin's church, Hickory Grove, raised the resources needed to help the Clercine community build a desperately needed bridge. During rainy or hurricaine season they are cut off & stranded from the main roads, unable to get supplies, go to work or school. They are so happy to know that this won't be the case next storm that rolls through.

Then we crossed over it to visit this local community where 70-80% of the Papillion artisans work.

We ALL ended our day with dinner at the Hotel Montana in Petionville to celebrate Donna's Birthday! She of one of the four potters that have been with us the past 2 weeks here & is leaving today for home. The view & the company was a real treat.

PHOTOS by Cami Franklin