Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Entries in Annette (1)


weekend guests...

I had a total "fail" on camera work today so no 60 second video...

I also ended up sleeping most of the day, from 10 until 5 pm, so I hope that doesn't mean my body is brewing something...kind of wondering if it's time for a malaria check.

This evening we got to spend with a couple of our favorite Haiti friends - they don't live here, but this is where we met them. Michael & Annette have been leading teams down from their church in upstate NY to develop a relationship with one of the pastors & churches implementing a World Orphans, orphaned & vulnerable child program. They are always a joy & a delight to spend time with!

Michael & Annette DiGesare

Michael and Todd Defayette

Annette playing with kids at Pastor Jacques Henri's church today.

After dinner Ted & I took Dr. Todd over to visit a missionary who had posted yesterday the need for a chiropractor on our expat fb group. He was able to bless her with care & relief for a recent back injury. The experience was one of those Haiti "moments"...the unexpected "treats" that appear out of nowhere, that I cherish day in & day out with our life here. They quietly seem to fill my heart with joy.

Todd carried his portable table to the 3rd floor above a church building, where there were apts for those missionaries who lived & worked there. We met Tom, who has been living in Haiti for 40 yrs & also Carole who has been working with Tom & his wife in church planting and school building here in Haiti for 15 years.  They are veterans compared to us & this evening I was thinking that they had been here long enough to find the most marvelous Saturday night spot in Port Au Prince. There was a small outdoor common area, sort of a breezeway that their apts were each off of. Down in the church three floors below was a choir practicing. They were singing a'cappella and it wafted straight up.

While Todd got down to business I commented on what a unique setting it was for him to work in, one you could never imagine ahead of time! He was giving much needed treatment for a slipped disc with a Haitian choir serenading him in the background. It was glorious & reminded me of a moment of "heaven" here on earth. God providing Carole's care in a miraculous way & us being blessed with the voices that He had created raising up to worship him in unison. There is so much that is "noise" and "chaos" here as a constant that the orchestration of both divine gifts jumped out and proclaimed themselves as His handiwork tonight in the midst of daily life.

I'm sorry that I didn't have my camera in tow to share a bit with you, but some times these things just pop up when you least expect it!

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Please PRAY with us as we head for some worship time tomorrow and get ready for WO leadership to arrive in the afternoon. We all have a BIG week of planning ahead of us for the future of our programs as we continue to grow & to help them move from relief mode toward development. We are in great need of God's clear WISDOM and guidance as we talk with each other as a team and with our church pastors throughout the week and seek to find His vision for us all for this phase of the projects here in Haiti.