Funny that it’s Lent.

Though we don’t typically use liturgy in our faith, the past several years we have been appreciating and honoring a season of Lent leading up to the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Lent crept up on us this year. When we turned our hearts to it a couple of days ago, and to what we could either give up or take on as a reminder, this year, a joyful irony appeared!
We realized that the couple of month’s delay in getting to Haiti, along with an extended time in selling our home, has brought us to the stage of giving up all that He has asked us to, over the next 30-40 days, during the season of Lent! How beautifully ironic is that?? It might seem coincidental to some, but for us it is a special affirmation and gives deeper symbolism to the coming experience.
So, this year we won’t give up soda, coffee, chocolate, or even our favorite TV shows. It will be our privilege to sign papers closing on the house, watch every stick of furniture walk out the door and see each knick or knack disappear, in His name. As we empty closets and cupboards it will be to His glory. For some reason, it seems a little easier to tackle now!
God’s humor and timing give such power to His plans. We could have been going through this part of the transition at any time of year, but for the time to be now just seems, well…perfect.
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