Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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Thanksgiving & Appreciation

Though we have barely been here a month, the WO Guest House - Haiti has been up and running for nearly 18 months. Not to diminish the work of our staff here at all, but that has been a "miracle" in and of itself this past year. When God called us to manage it in 2010, shortly after its inception, we expected to arrive within months to get started with His provision. In hindsight, He clearly wanted many specifics in place for us before landing here. So He took the time to prepare us for our new life in a multitude of ways, leading us on a journey that has been truly incredible! Now we are here at last, picking up our roles and being quick to look to Him for further guidance. 

The guest house however, has been OPEN for visitors since June 2010! While Ted with several trips back and forth, and our Haitian co-worker Ron have pieced together much of its care and oversight, God has been the one faithful to sustain it.  He placed several very special people to work here & to be His instruments for that purpose.

First is Rosalee – She is our head cook and housekeeper, the anchor in a storm when teams are here. Rosalee was a cook for the well-known, five story, Hotel Montana before the earthquake demolished it. She survived and God led her to us several months later. In need of a job & a Christian woman, she agreed to come on board, though we know it was for much less than she made before. We learned recently that the Hotel is rebuilding, and called to offer her a job again. While she could go back and probably do much better financially there, she says that there is more to a job than money. She feels a sense of love & family here that is worth far more! We are SO grateful for Rosalee…in ways far beyond the outstanding meals that she is quickly becoming famous for here.

Next, Rosalyn – The smiling assistant cook and housekeeper that Rosalee brought in to help. Rosalyn is a joy and delight with her quiet ways and we love to hear her chuckle as any praise or humor meets her ears. Rosalee is hardworking and always ready to take on a challenge. She blesses us with her insight and knowledge, yet has an open heart to learn and Rosalee has taught her much this past year. We could NOT keep this place afloat without either of them!!

Joseph – A large, shy, bright-faced young man of 19 that serves as our house maintenance and security guy. Joseph was on his own at 17 when he came to live at the guest house & take on this position. It has given him an opportunity to finish high school now and to have a “chance” in life. He was an orphan, but has a place to belong now, and we all love him like “family”.  At 19 he is blossoming – if you can say that about a 6 ft tall Haitian guy – and we are all blessed by his honesty, loyalty, protection, and good humor.

Jn Robert – Jn (pronounced like Zhaan) is not actually “on staff” here at the guest house, but has been a regular driver for our teams over the past year. He is a friend and supporter for the work that World Orphans does here, and is always willing to lend an extra hand however he can. He has been studying English very hard & hopes to help as an “official” interpreter for our teams one day soon! Meanwhile he is always happy to explain life in Haiti and the language, to learn about EVERYTHING in the world outside Haiti, and to interpret whatever he can. We LOVE his companionship and heart for the orphans of Haiti!

Last, but not at all least is Ron – Our co-worker, Director of the OVC program, interpreter, cultural guide, businessman, philanthropist, and amazing FRIEND! Ron is a force to be reckoned with. He cheerfully and wisely shepherds the growing relationships between our partner churches. For a young man he is beyond his years in godly advice, having a life open to God’s calling, and in putting his faith into action. Ron works for the Lord before he works for WO, and it shows in everything that he does. I’m not even sure if we have learned yet all of the ways that he serves the orphans and the needy of his beloved country, but can confidently tell you that it goes far beyond his work with us. He has an endlessly ENORMOUS and generous heart! Ron not only visits the Haitian pastors regularly to see how their programs are going, but organizes each of the teams while here. On top of that, he kept everything at the guest house going this whole past year! We cannot thank God enough for the blessing he is in our lives and the joy we have serving with him…and soon, Vanessa, his future “wife”!!

It crossed our minds that there was so much to be thankful for this past year from our journey ending in this new home to the way that each of these individuals has served the Lord in their work this past year, that the only way to celebrate our “holiday” this year was to acknowledge both! So, as a last minute idea, we gathered the women together and asked if they would help us by cooking together on the weekend - a thanksgiving “feast”.  It ended up being a fantastic and abundant blend of American and Haitian cuisine! Each of the staff brought their family members; we fellowshipped and laughed together all day as we worked and into the evening as we enjoyed the meal. Ted gave a “speech” specifically thanking each of the above individuals for their work on behalf of the Lord and the orphans, and we shared from scripture:  Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” …to remind each one of us that everything we do is not only for the orphan, which is a great cause, but actually for Him and Him alone.

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Reader Comments (1)

Loved reading your blog. It made me miss the WO guest house and all the people you wrote about. I miss Haiti and all the the wonderful people we met. WO is doing great work in Haiti. I hope our organization can be a part of supporting WO and orphans there soon. I will keep you, your family, and the Haiti WO team in my prayers.

December 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJeff Peterson

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