Maternity Care in Haiti

Part of holistic orphan care in a place like Haiti is being able to provide access to maternity care and parenting support. No small feat to find... good care during pregnancy, delivery and early bonding periods can help prevent children from being orphaned or abandoned.
As a maternity RN, mom, sister, daughter & friend I have a passion for women everywhere to have access to such care. In Port au Prince, there is an organization called Heartline Ministries that is working to do just that.
Read a recent post by Tara Livesay sharing the urgency of providing Maternity care for the women of Haiti, here>
"Can you imagine taking your very pregnant sister, friend, or wife to a hospital only to be turned away, verbally abused, and/or neglected?
Can you imagine being in a hospital room with dozens of other laboring women and only two nurses to work the entire room?
Can you imagine a hospital without consistent electricity, basic supplies or equipment?
Until I was exposed to the harsh reality of what the statistics looked like in the flesh, none of the things I had heard about maternal health moved or affected me... continue
Whether you are part of our ministry with World Orphans, would like to hear more about the needs of women in Haiti, or just want to understand my passion for future ministry as you follow along, I encourage you to read on!
Let's all keep our eyes open and educate ourselves on the needs of others around the world. In time it WILL make a difference that we know, and keep us ready for the many service opportunities that God bring into our lives.
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these... sisters of mine, you did for me.’
(Jesus' words in Matthew 25:40 niv)
Blessings, Rebecca
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