Barlow Family - Haiti



The WHOLE crew


Ted & Rebecca


Tania Grace


Ana & Oliver











In Prayer, For...
  • the orphans in Haiti
    a smooth moving process
    calm during the transition
  • our kids -
  • Tynan & Tania in college
  • Ana working in Germany
  • Twins' homeschooling
  • the future "additions"
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A favorite resource -

These are great little books to use in preparing for either international adoption or orphan care with kids in the languages available (Amharic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Russian, and Spanish). We happen to have the one on Kreyol. It's nice quality, compact, easy to use & it checked out for accuracy with our interpreter in Haiti. The mom who created them is an adoptive mom & this is a labor of love. She only advertises by word of mouth right now. We used ours so that we would have a few phrases to use with the orphans that we worked with on our initial trip. We think it is great for anyone working with kids that speak these languages!


“I will always love you.”

“You are so precious!”

“Don’t be afraid.”

“You are safe.”

“Do you need to go potty?”

“Are you hungry?”

“Point to where it hurts.”

“Let’s play!”

“We will take good care of you.”

The Simple Language for Adoptive Families books were created by a fellow Adoptive mom in the great hope of helping adoptive families connect with the new child in their lives. Each book contains approximately 250 translated words and phrases that are recommended most by families who have previously adopted internationally. In addition to the translations, the words and phrases are written in an easy to follow phonetic form. Professionally recorded CDs accompany each book so that families can hear and practice the new language before they welcome their new child home.


Special Features:


  • Book and CD sets available in Amharic, Mandarin Chinese, Haitian Creole, Russian, and Spanish.


  • Created with simplicity in mind so that the whole family, children included, can prepare to communicate with their new family member.


  • Wire bound and formatted so that the books can be folded over and used like flash cards.


  • Contents designed to be helpful for new family members of all ages. Those who are adopting babies will find useful words of comfort and affection for their little one. Families who are adopting older children will benefit from additional words and phrases that will be necessary for communication. 


Class, here is a flyer on the books that we mentioned last week in class, in case you are interested.
Debi, will you pass this along to the rest of the adoption group.
These are great little books for preparing for your new child. Ted & I have the one on Kreyol, it's nice quality, compact, easy to use & it checked out for accuracy with our interpreter in Haiti. The mom who created them is an adoptive mom & this is a labor of love. She only advertises by word of mouth right now. We used ours so that we would have a few phrases to use with the orphans that we worked with on our initial trip. I think it is great for anyone working with kids that speak any of these languages.





“I will always love you.”

“You are so precious!”

“Don’t be afraid.”

“You are safe.”

“Do you need to go potty?”

“Are you hungry?”

“Point to where it hurts.”

“Let’s play!”

“We will take good care of you.”




The Simple Language for Adoptive Families books were created by a fellow Adoptive mom in the great hope of helping adoptive families connect with the new child in their lives. Each book contains approximately 250 translated words and phrases that are recommended most by families who have previously adopted internationally. In addition to the translations, the words and phrases are written in an easy to follow phonetic form. Professionally recorded CDs accompany each book so that families can hear and practice the new language before they welcome their new child home.


Special Features:


  • Book and CD sets available in Amharic, Mandarin Chinese, Haitian Creole, Russian, and Spanish.


  • Created with simplicity in mind so that the whole family, children included, can prepare to communicate with their new family member.


  • Wire bound and formatted so that the books can be folded over and used like flash cards.


  • Contents designed to be helpful for new family members of all ages. Those who are adopting babies will find useful words of comfort and affection for their little one. Families who are adopting older children will benefit from additional words and phrases that will be necessary for communication.




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