Back in Haiti - day 2 - fresh beginnings

The hum of fans surrounds us as sunlight peeks over rooftops, a hint of nearby charcoal fires & early morning clanking filters in from outside our metal gates. Yesterday was the first day of a new chapter in our Haiti journey. It has been great to get to know a few of the AP board members that are visiting this week, to hear their hearts for Haiti and for ministry and to share ours as well.
Second day tears...a good sign. Still a little overwhelmed by the work to be done in unpacking, painting & settling, but optimism is creeping back in and who can stay down in a land of eternal sunshine??? Is there such a thing as SAD euphoria vs depression? If so, then I'll take it! I have to say, sunshine cures a lot of things in my world. I LOVE waking to it, even if it means there is another HOT day waiting ahead.
Day 2 ended with Ted fixing the dead battery in our car & an invite to eat dinner with our new duplex neighbors, the Van Wagenen's. Those were large blessings indeed, since we hadn't made it to the grocery market yet for food supplies & we had the added surprise of learning that we share "old stomping grounds" in New England with our next door friends!