Heaps of summer pics...
Saturday, July 28, 2012 at 11:42PM
barlowfamily in 2012, Haiti, photos, pics, summer

 It has been an extremely eventful summer so far & it's not even close to over...August is still on the horizon!

We finally had a chance to get photos loaded up today so that you can take a look at some of what we've been up to since our first interns arrived in mid-May. 

Check back later, as we continue to add pics through the end of next month!

Here are some random favorite photos as a teaser...


Click here for the rest of our Picasa Haiti-Summer 2012 album! 




Article originally appeared on the Barlow Family takes their motto to Haiti (http://barlowfamily.squarespace.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.