It's Way Past Time for an Update!
Monday, July 4, 2011 at 6:22PM

Wow! I find it hard to believe that it's been 3 months since our last blog update. So many things have happened over that time, so many changes to our family on this journey to Haiti. As we clear the dust off this blog we will commit to doing a better job of keeping you all updated on what is going on with us. 

Since early April, we have:


Whew! I hope you can appreciate how our heads have been spinning a little bit with all these changes. But God has been gracious and has helped us navigate this unpredictable and slightly crazy journey that we are on. 

I am here in Haiti again (4th trip in 8 weeks) and this time Emma was able to come with me. It's her very first trip to Haiti, and she will be blogging this week about what she thinks about it all. Check it out on their "Em & Liv" page. 

Thanks again for taking the time to catch up with all our "goings on", and we'd really appreciate it if you could remember to pray for our whole family as we are now on the "homestretch" to our goal of serving full-time in Haiti. God bless you!


I always feel happy when I see Haiti out the window!

Article originally appeared on the Barlow Family takes their motto to Haiti (
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